Monday, February 6, 2012

Lawrence Tucei the Live Oaks Project Director for the Native Tree Society commented concerning Stadium Woods on January 27, 2012:

  “Areas with old trees such as these should be protected.  There are many White Oaks in North America in the 50 – 70 year old range but the 200-500 year old trees are extremely rare.”

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Petition To Save Stadium Woods

Here is the link to sign the online petition to save Stadium Woods. Please take a moment to add your name, and to pass the petition on to others so we can keep spreading the word.

Friday, February 3, 2012

How to use this Blog

On the page links above, you will find the contents of a report researched and written by:

John R. Seiler, Ph.D.
Professor of Forest Biology
Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
College of Natural Resources and Environment
Virginia Tech